Know your hemp

Myths About Hemp Seeds: Uncover the Truth!

Myths About Hemp Seeds: Uncover the Truth!

Myths About Hemp Seeds: Uncover the Truth! Let's start with what hemp is. It is a type of Cannabis Sativa plant grown for various industrial applications. Its fiber goes for producing garments, its seeds serve as a healthy snack, and its oils are in high demand because of their high cannabinoid content. And yet this crop is frequently misconstrued and confused with the narcotic marijuana, leading to numerous misconceptions. But the truth is that they are quite a healthy superfood that many prefer. They come with numerous benefits and are used for oral and topical applications to prevent health problems....

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Haircare Tips 101: How To Use Hemp For Your Hair

Haircare Tips 101: How To Use Hemp For Your Hair

Haircare Tips 101: How To Use Hemp For Your Hair Are you noticing large quantities of hair on your pillow or in your hairbrush quite often these days? If your answer is yes, are you worried that you might be losing those beautiful locks of hair and have no control over them? Of course, it was expected earlier to have such issues in old age but, is it fair to face it even in your teenage years?Do you see people's hair and wish that you had those bouncy waves or that natural shiny straight hair too? Of course, Genetics often...

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Rise of Hemp in the Indian market

Rise of Hemp in the Indian market

The Indian hemp industry is expected to grow to $500 - 700 million in the next few years! Hemp Industry Overview Hemp is a naturally strong fiber that has been cultivated for centuries. For fiber, seed, and oil, hemp crops are grown widely. The medicinal properties of Hemp have been known for ages. It has been cultivated in the Himalayan regions for more than 12000 years. It has both economic and nutritional significance. Due to its various health benefits, the hemp market has grown immensely. And to our surprise, hemp seeds and oil constitute the hemp business's central market. Hemp,...

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How can hemp seeds help women in different ways

How can hemp seeds help women in different ways

How Hemp Seeds Help to Relieve PMS Symptoms What is PMS? Every woman gets some signs in her body when her period is on the way. Some are lucky with just facing tender breasts or little mood swings. But for the rest, it can be a nightmare. Menses are the monthly best friend of every female. It often comes with bloating, tiredness, mood swings, and abdominal pain. However, the cramps and discomfort of periods are a nightmare as their intensity varies from mild to intense. PMS or premenstrual syndrome is caused in women due to hormonal imbalance before period. It...

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